Monday, January 27, 2014

kelly ann and kid's visit

kelly ann and her kids betty, Penelope,maddy and sven are here for a weekend visit from iowa. Day 1 after they arrived and saw the play that i'm in let's Copy Each Other So We Can Be Copy Cats we went over to my house we hung out and we ordered some delicious empanadas from 5411 empanadas. then we settled down and watched snow buddies and magic puppy. at the beginning of the movie there was a zombie picture and Penelope who is 3 says zombies are scary zombies have the power of cats!!! so funny. then we had a frozen berry snack. after that we have to put pea and sven to bed there's a skylight in the guest bed room and pea looks up and says see that star that star is the power of the rangers.what great first day.

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